
Saint Vincent DePaul

If you are having financial difficulties or you wish to volunteer your time to our Society, please call the St. Vincent de Paul telephone number at 678-947-0677.

Council of Catholic Woman

The Good Shepherd Council of Catholic Women is a spiritual, social and service ministry for all women in the parish and is affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women. Our council promotes fellowship and service within our Church Community. Every woman who is a member of Good Shepherd belongs automatically to the Council. Monthly meetings present opportunities to meet new friends and get re-acquainted with old ones while enjoying guest speakers, programs, and of course delicious food. The Women’s Council meets on the second Tuesday of the month.

Eucharistic Adoration Guardian

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We are truly blessed to have the opportunity to be in the true presence of Our Lord within our Church. If you are interested in committing to one hour of adoration please le us know.

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Through the gift of a prayer blanket, symbolizing faith, hope, love and peace, and a commitment of daily prayer by its members, this ministry seeks to obtain healing, protection, or strength and grace for those on our prayer list.  If you are in need of a prayer blanket, please call the Parish Office at 770-887-9861.

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