Liturgy Enhancement

Altar Linen Guild

Members of the Altar Linen Guild care for all the linens used for the Sacred Liturgy of the Mass. They are responsible for soaking, washing, ironing and folding all the special cloths used at Mass including…Purificators, Corporals, Lavabo Towels and Palls.

The linens are soaked to remove any remnants of the Sacred Host or the Precious Blood of Our Lord, then washed, ironed and folded in special patterns according to each cloth’s use in the Liturgy. They are then returned to the Sacristy where they are organized for storage until needed.

Volunteers for the Altar Linen Guild ministry recognize the sacredness of the gifts God gives us through His Sacraments and most especially in the Eucharist – the source and summit of the Catholic faith. They are expected to possess a sense of reverence for all the vessels, linens and other implements that are utilized in the Eucharistic celebration and in the administration of the Sacraments.

Training is necessary to acquire the knowledge and skill to appropriately receive, cleanse and prepare these implements which play a vital role in the distribution of God’s abundant graces which He so generously bestows on His people through the Sacraments. Those who commit to this ministry usually serve weekly for one month of the year.  To obtain more information about this ministry, or if you feel called to serve in this most noble of ministries as a member of the Altar Linen Guild, feel free to contact: Glenda Brumby 770.889.1201.

Altar Society (Sanctuary Care)

The members of this important ministry ensure that the Sanctuary, the nave and the narthex of the Church are each clean and fittingly prepared for the celebration of the weekend celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments.

Their duties include, among many others…

  • Washing the Sacred Vessels
  • Washing and filling the dishes used in the Holy Water fonts
  • Cleansing and refilling the ablution cups used to cleanse the fingers of the priest and of the ministers who distribute the Eucharist
  • Setting the credence table
  • Replacing votive candles
  • Maintaining the Holy Water Reservoir
  • Dusting the Tabernacle, Altar, Ambo and lectern
  • Maintaining and watering the flowers
  • Maintaining the Sign-in Booklet for Liturgical Ministers

For more information, contact: Betty Schlecht  770.205.5101 or Renate Whitmire 770.887.8624

Arts & Environment

The Art and Environment Ministry is a group of dedicated individuals, headed by Al and Eileen Posada, who come together to plan and develop themes for decorating our church environment according to the Liturgical calendar. This entire undertaking is pursued with the hope that the Holy Spirit will inspire those who view the decorated areas to renew their commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. – For more information contact Deacon Ralph at 470.695.7736 or by email at

Vestment Care 

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