
Our Ministries

Ministries in the Church are concrete expressions of ecclesial movements and the working of the Holy Spirit in an through the people of God. “Ecclesial movements follow in a long tradition of groups, associations, and communities that have arisen throughout the history of the Church. To meet specific needs of the time and to pursue mission-oriented purposes, the Holy Spirit has raised up from the lay faithful various monastic and mendicant orders, confraternities, sodalities, charitable and educational societies, social welfare organizations, and Catholic Action groups. In the modern period, and due largely to the encouragement of the Second Vatican Council, the ecclesial movements represent “a new era of group endeavors of the lay faithful” (John Paul II, apostolic exhortation On the Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World. [Christifideles Laici], no. 29)

Altar Servers / Monaguillos

Altar servers volunteer their time to assist during Mass by carrying the cross and processional candles, holding the book for the celebrant, presenting the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, and various other duties. Training is required. This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to volunteer their time to the parish. 

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers are invited to administer the Sacred Body and Precious Blood to our parish family at Mass and in home visits. This call to serve as an EM comes as a privilege, resulting from a deep love of the Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament growing within your heart.  We request that all EMs attend a Yearly Eucharist Retreat, Renewal Training every three years and a sincere effort to a weekly commitment to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Lectors (Reader or Proclaimer of the Word)

A lector is the person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. A lector must be qualified and have a desire to minister in this capacity at the eucharistic liturgy. This ministry in the Church requires a person who is of excellent character, and serious about the practice of their faith. the lector must believe that Sacred Scripture is the Word of God and have a deep respect for God’s presence in that Word. 

Homebound Minister Visitation

If you are homebound and would like to have Holy Communion brought to you or if you are a commissioned Extraordinary Minister and feel a calling to bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound, please reach out to us.  


Music Ministry - Good Shepherd Choir

This choir is open to Middle School-Adults, and sings primarily for the 9 and 11 A.M. Masses, Special Concerts, Easter Vigil, Christmas Eve Midnight Mass and also at select masses on feast days. Our music covers the spectrum from Gregorian Chant through Classical, Gospel and Contemporary pieces. No auditions are necessary, but some basic knowledge of music reading and singing are helpful. 

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