
Bienvenidos - Welcome Group

Our Hispanic Bienvenidos team meets every Sunday. If you wish to join us and be part of this exciting ministry please contact us.

Boy/ Cub Scouts of America

Scouting is a youth development program that focuses on adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility. Scouting provides the opportunity for outdoor adventures, the development of friendships, and the building of a sound character.

Good Shepherd Parish sponsors a Boy Scout Troop which meets most Monday evenings.

Family Promise

Did you know there are over 1000 homeless children in Forsyth County?  Good Shepherd is one of 12 local churches who are part of the Interfaith Hospitality Network for Family Promise of Forsyth County. We each host up to 4 families with children 4 times a year providing meals and a safe place to sleep for one-week segments. 

Family Mission Ministry

Join our Family Mission Ministry every 4th Saturday of every month, as we spend time with the residents getting to know them, share stories, sing songs, share a gospel reflection, share prayer intentions, and ask our Lord to help us be the beacon of love and joy with those who need caring people to simply spend some time with them and share! All are welcome… this is a great way to be an example to our children, family, and friends - when we serve those in need… Christ shows up and warms our hearts and those we server!

Walking with Purpose

"Make authentic connections with other women, learn more about God."

Join us for Touching the Divine to explore the qualities of Jesus revaealed through the Gospel of John.  This study drwaws us into a deeper relationship with Jesus as we reflect on His likfe and personality. 

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