Ministries and Organizations

Ministry/ Organization Contact Description
Altar Servers - English Julie & Danny Gonzales Altar servers volunteer their time to assist during Mass by carrying the cross and processional candles, holding the book for the celebrant, presenting the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, and various other duties. Training is required. This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to volunteer their time to the parish.
Altar Servers - Spanish Vladimir & Laura Arellano
Arts & Environment Eileen Posada
Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts Marc Ferrara Scouting is a youth development program that focuses on adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility. Scouting provides the opportunity for outdoor adventures, the development of friendships, and the building of a sound character. Good Shepherd Parish sponsors a Boy Scout Troop which meets most Monday evenings.
Children's Liturgy of the Word Nadine Brabeau
Christ Renews is Parish (Spanish Men)
Christ Renews is Parish (Spanish Women)
Council of Catholic Women Lisa Pirrello General meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month, 7 P.M. in the PLC.
Eucharistic Adoration Guardians Bill McDowell
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Fr. Diosmar Natad Extraordinary Ministers are invited to administer the Sacred Body and Precious Blood to our parish family at Mass and in home visits. This call to serve as an EM comes as a privilege, resulting from a deep love of the Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament growing within your heart. We request that all EMs attend a Yearly Eucharist Retreat, Renewal Training every three years and a sincere effort to a weekly commitment to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Family Promise Khristina Followell & Cindy Hagen Good Shepherd, part of Forsyth County Family Promise, hosts up to 4 homeless families, 4 times a year, for one week at a time. Volunteers are needed to help in various duties and time segments.
Holy Family Counseling
Homebound Minister Visitation Carlene Udas If you are homebound and would like to have Holy Communion brought to you or if you are a commissioned Extraordinary Minister and feel a calling to bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound, please reach out to us.
Knights of Columbus Our Parish has its own Council of the Knights of Columbus. Together, we are empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.
Lectors (English) Janet E. Day
Lectors (Spanish) Angelica Guerrero
Music Ministry Michael Abreu
Music Ministry Spanish Wilfredo Mena
Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee Parish Office: 770-887-9861 The committee works very hard throughout the year to prepare for the annual Our Lady of Guadalupe event.
Prayer Blanket Ministry Val Post Through the gift of a prayer blanket, symbolizing faith, hope, love and peace, and a commitment of daily prayer by its members, this ministry seeks to obtain healing, protection, or strength and grace for those on our prayer list. If you are in need of a prayer blanket, please call the Parish Office at 770-887-9861.
Respect Life Ministry Laura Nix The Respect Life Ministry meets quarterly to prepare for upcoming events in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Atlanta and St. Brendan. We welcome members to participate in many ways.
Sacristans Scott Day
Sacristans Spanish Gerardo Alvarado
Saint Vincent de Paul Society Kathy Johnson If you are having financial difficulties or you wish to volunteer your time to our Society, please call the St. Vincent de Paul telephone number listed on the left.
Spiritual Direction Deacon Don Nadeau
St. Monica's Sodality: Vicki Winslow Meets every Wednesday morning at 8:20 a.m. in the Church to pray for our loved ones to come back to our Catholic Faith and Church. The intentions of Holy Mass on the first Wednesday of every month will be for all those listed in our Book of Intentions. Contact us if you have any questions or to add someone to our confidential intentions book.
Ushers - English Don Mouledoux
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