
Common Book Of Prayer and Intentions
The parish community of Good Shepherd strongly believes in the power of prayer, especially when we pray together and for each other. A common book of prayer requests and intentions is located in the Church foyer. You are invited to write your intentions and prayer requests to be included with those of the rest of the parish family.

Memorial Masses and Mass Intentions

It is a traditional practice of the Church to remember and pray for our beloved, both living and deceased. Often a Memorial Mass is requested where prayer for the deceased is the intention of that Mass. Just as often, Masses are requested for the intentions of the living such as on the anniversary of a wedding, on a birthday, as a prayer for healing or a special need, or in thanksgiving to God. If you would like to request a special intention or Memorial Mass, please stop in the Pastoral Office.

Courtyard of Remembrance
A beautiful location in front of the Church where inscribed bricks are lovingly placed to be honored or memorialized. A Mass for those Honored and Memorialized within the Courtyard takes place once a month. This is a wonderful everlasting gift of Masses and Remembrance!
The Courtyard of Remembrance began as a desire to offer our parishioners and our community a way to meditate, honor and remember those we love while being reminded of the ever presence of Jesus our Shepherd. A special Mass is offered once a month for those Honored or Memorialized within The Courtyard.

The Courtyard is graced by a statue of the Good Shepherd. The bronze Shepherd is approximately 5 feet tall and was designed by Sister Kathleen Aucoin, a Sister of Charity out of New York. Sister Aucoin describes the statue as follows:  “The Good Shepherd depicts Jesus and His sheep in the midst of a storm. The smallest lamb, blinded by the storm, has been caught up by the Shepherd and is secure in His strong arm. The lead sheep, plodding against the wind, cannot see the Shepherd’s face, but feels the pull of His staff, keeping his body close. The third sheep cries out while looking up into he Shepherd’s face. The Shepherd responds with reassuring words.”

Construction of the Courtyard began in the winter of 2003. The first brick was ordered in May of 2004 but it was another year before the first installation of bricks took place. In addition to memorial bricks, the Courtyard includes bricks commemorating special events such as Anniversaries, Weddings, Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations and even Summer Youth Camps etc.

In 2006, through the generosity of an anonymous parishioner, 61 bricks were purchased as a lasting memorial to the sacrifice made by Georgia soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Each brick bears the soldier’s name, rank and date of death. Once a month a Mass is celebrated for those Honored and Memorialized within the Courtyard.  For more information please contact Parish Office at (770) 887-9861.

Flowers for Sanctuary and/or Adoration Chapel
Parishioners may make a donation for flowers to be placed either in the main Sanctuary near the altar, in the Adoration Chapel, or both…

  • To honor a loved one, either living or deceased.
  • To commemorate an important event such as a Wedding, an Anniversary, a Baptism, a birthday, etc.
  • In thanksgiving to God for prayers answered.
  • Simply for the honor and praise of Almighty God

Advanced notice of at least one month is necessary to insure delivery
$150 donation is requested for flowers to be placed in the Church.
$60 donation is requested for flowers to be placed in the Adoration Chapel
For more information, please contact Eileen Pankow
 at or 770-844-8447.

Gift Shop
The Parish Gift Shop is a service of the Women’s Council. It is open on Sunday after all Masses. The Shop carries a variety of religious gifts and books from rosaries and prayer cards to Bibles. They also stock seasonal items such as Advent Wreaths and First Communion and Confirmation gifts.

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