A Catholic funeral is one of greatest blessings to have for a loved one. It is filled with so much symbolism and sacred scripture. From the very moment of life, our parents or guardians will present us to the Lord for Baptism. At the end life, our family and loved ones present us to the Lord as our departure from this life moves to an even closer encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. The family may choose burial by either casket or cremation. If cremation is selected, the Church allows it, as long as the ashes are placed in an urn and buried in a proper place such as a mausoleum in a cemetery. A Mass of the Resurrection is offered for the deceased with the casket or cremains present. The liturgical celebration is rich in symbolism with placement of a pall (white cloth) over the casket or urn to connect this new birth to eternal life with the life of Baptism. Incense, music, scripture readings, the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the final commendation all add to Christian understanding of life after death.
Family members may participate in the selection of liturgical music and scriptural readings to enhance the liturgy experience. If you would like to more information about the funeral services and the liturgy please contact: Rudy Velasco 470-695-7710 or email at Rvelasco@gsrcc.net