The Sacristan is entrusted with the ministry of preparing for the Celebration of Mass and other liturgical events in our church. Sacristans also ensure all is in order when the Celebration is finished.

The variety of duties includes preparing the altar, setting and lighting the altar and other ceremonial candles, checking the altar linens, which include the corporals, purificators and altar cloths. The sacristan also prepares the bread and wine, sets the ciboria, the communion cups, and the celebrant’s chalice. Before Mass starts, the sacristan checks the status of the other ministries, filling in as needed or asking for replacements for those who were assigned but are not present at Mass. Sacristans also direct the cleaning up afterwards.

The sacristan’s duties, in part, consist of:

  • Being caretaker of the sacred vessels and vestments;
  • Caring for the ceremonial and altar linens
  • Preparing the ritual books, Roman Missal, Lectionary, Book of the Gospels, Book of Blessings, Rites of Christian Burial and more;
  • Ensuring that there is a sufficient stock of Communion hosts and Altar wine, incense and charcoal, and other expendables that are used in the course of our liturgies.
  • Caring for the candles that are used on the altar and in our worship space
  • Attending to the needs of the presider, the deacons, other ministers of the altar and the Assembly

The ministry of sacristan is a crucial one in the life of a parish, and is open to both men and women who are also able to be commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. By preparing and overseeing the things of the liturgy, readying them and rendering them accessible to the members of the assembly, the sacristan works to make the full, conscious and active participation of all at the liturgy a lived reality.

If you are interested in applying to become a Sacristan, please log into the Liturgical Minister Application and complete the enrollment form, or download a Liturgical Minister Application from the Parish forms page.